Argumentative Essay On The Civil Rights Movement

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Freedom. The importance of freedom is often forgotten as Americans live day by day taking this gift for granted. In this day and age, freedom seems as a “simple gift’ obtained by every American, but one forgets to think about those who were once unable to enjoy the freedoms one is promised daily. Back in the day, freedom seemed as nothing more than a dream to those of color. Everyday of a colored person’s life consisted of harassment and discrimination as no one cared to treat them as equals. Since many lacked care for the colored people, the colored people took it upon themselves to make a difference leading to the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement became a rollercoaster ride for all of the country as with every “up”, came …show more content…

Each belief obtained in this world is mirrored by its opposite allowing those to decide which reflection they choose to abide to. In America, one’s perspective defined what each person stood for. During the Civil Rights Movement, controversy stood at the base of the country as many chose “a side” to be on as an argument of what was deemed constitutional and unconstitutional continued. However, although many may have had their separate beliefs, the common ground consisted of the principles of democracy written in the Constitution. Although, it was a less popular belief highlighted during the Civil rights movement, the whites too faced issues with the loss of their principles of democracy as the federal government continuously abused their power. The federal government may have had good reasoning behind stopping the laws implemented by states, but it doesn’t hide the fact that the federal government overstepped its boundaries. In document 1, it states that education is the important function of state and local governments and it explains how it’s those governments duties to ensure each child has the opportunity to be educated. However, if it’s the state and local governments duty, then why did the federal government decide how each state should handle school systems. It’s no longer about what was the “right thing to do”, but it’s about how the rights of the whites were also contracted as they lost their say in what goes on in their own