Persuasive Essay On Civil Rights

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Could you ever possibly imagine a time where you couldn’t use the same bathroom as some of your classmates because the had a different skin color? This time in history was known as the Civil Rights Movement, a movement from 1954-1954, in which people fought against racism. Although the Civil Rights Movement mainly affected African Americans, but involved all of American society. Because most racism against ancient African Americans took place in southern United States, civil rights was extremely important to African Americans who lived in the south. Racism was so widely spread it even found its way into professional sports. “Many college student activists sacrificed or postponed their formal education”. (Youth Civil Rights Movement) Samuel Younge Jr., Jackie Robinson, and Ramsey Clark are famous civil rights activists because of their courage and bold actions during the Civil Rights Movement. Samuel Younge Jr. was one of the brave young civil rights activist who gave his life striving toward civil rights. As Samuel was trying to use an all whites bathroom in Macon County, Alabama, on January 3, 1966, Younge was shot to death. “Younge was killed eleven years after and forty miles from where the Montgomery bus boycott began.” (Younge, Samuel Leamon, Jr.) Rosa Parks made a path for activists, and Samuel Younge took that rocky path. “There were protests when white officials intentionally refused to indict Marvin Segrest, the person who killed Younge.” (Chandler,