Sydney's Initial Brainstorming Essay

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For Sydney, the initial planning provided her with valuable information that she was able to use in her essay. As referred to in her initial brainstorming, she stated, "This source indicated that in 2017, 'More than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain, and 58 percent of chronic-pain sufferers report experiencing anxiety or depression. Chronic pain affects people's quality of life.'" When it came down to using research in her essay, she was able to utilize this information in regard to explaining the prevalence and also the effects of chronic pain. Additionally, when Sydney began narrowing down her topics, her thought process related to what she would later write to be her personal narrative. As written in her initial brainstorming, "my experience of chronic …show more content…

For Sydney, her careful thinking while planning resulted her with information that she was able to use in her final product. Her initial planning became challenging when she went to conduct her initial research. Sydney stated, "I have found that a majority of research regarding chronic pain focuses on either the anxiety, depression, or the suicidal