Whereas is fusion center system assist the homeland security, implementing fusion centers is best for emergency response given that fusion centers creates communication. Fusion Centers are a key part in the assistance of communication in a timely manner amongst many agencies. There is a definition within the USLegal.com defined: “A fusion center is a terrorism prevention and response center created as a joint project between the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs between 2003 and 2007 ("Fusion Center Law & Legal Definition," n.d.).”
After the 9/11, attack the Department of Justice knew that something needed to be done in regards to communication. The lack of communication was a contributing
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There should be education classes that they must complete as well as background checks prior to be hired. Critical information that is being shared and without the proper training, so many events could go wrong. The fusion centers are a great idea and they have been successful, however the financial burden is extremely high and this brings to the point of the funding. The funding is actually brought in by 3rd parties as well as grant funding. Fusion Centers are actually owned and operated by state and local entities, they are not federally owned. This also means that depending on the environment that the Fusion Centers can obtained the idea of an all-crimes and all-hazard approach to share information as needed in order to keep the American public safe. Homeland security does not know how much money is funded to the Fusion Center annually because it is grant …show more content…
High security should be a priority for the employees to work in these centers. There are actions that may be suggested to make the DHS more involved into the Fusion Center. In order for the DHS to be involved more there should be more interaction from DHS with the Fusion Centers. There is a protocol in place; however, DHS and the other emergency management branches within that state should review it. Having the training and everyone being involved with the base line as well as the reviewing may make a difference down the road. Fusion Centers is all about sharing information to protect the public in order for that to occur there needs to be more involvement from the DHS when it comes down to it. It would be like a fire and only calling the police, well you need the police to keep the crowd safe, but you also need the fire department to put out the fire along with the ambulance in case someone needs medical