Argumentative Essay On God And The Education System

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God and the Education System

The American way of life is in decline. Teenagers can’t seem to stay out of trouble. Old men get assaulted in Walmart parking lots by two teens with baseball bats who kill him to steal his xBox. Why? Because the American way of life is in decline. I have a solution that will fix half of America's problems almost overnight. God should be allowed into schools again.

If children were taught about God, there wouldn’t be school shootings. How many school shootings occurred in the 50’s? 21. 21st century? A staggering, mind-blowing, unexcusable 150+ school shootings in the U.S. alone.

What has happened between 1960 and modern day that could be blamed for a 700% increase in school shooting activity? In 1962, the Supreme …show more content…

This is where I drop the hammer. Remember this until the day you die. People are only offended by the truth. When an Atheist witnesses a person praying, they see that the individual has something bigger than their own interests to live for. They authentically believe in something. This makes them upset. They are “offended” by the thought that they were wrong about life. That’s what drives them to call upon a power like the Supreme Court to eliminate their …show more content…

They think I’m forcefully imposing a new faith upon people in this paper. I remind my peers and onlookers that my idea is to simply let God back in schools. I never said that kids had to convert or they would be damned to a lake of fire. I would actually be willing to take it down a notch and say that we could get by just giving them a strictly enforced code of morals. The reason I want God involved is because he would be the ultimate enforcer of those morals. Who could hold someone to a code of honor greater than the ruler of the