Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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Imagine you live in a country with a struggling economy, high unemployment rates, and political instability. Would you risk everything to leave in search of a better life elsewhere? And if you did, how would you feel if you were met with hostility and rejection instead of compassion and understanding? The United States should embrace immigration and create a strong legal immigration system. Granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants who have already spent a significant part of their lives in the US would enable them to contribute to the economy and participate fully in society. They can meet workforce demands, expand the economy at local, state, and national levels, and bring innovation and entrepreneurship that can boost the economy. …show more content…

According to a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, "immigrants and their descendants make valuable contributions to the U.S. economy," accounting for "14.7 percent of the U.S. workforce and 16.6 percent of U.S. economic output" in 2016. This fact shows the significant positive impact that immigrants have on the U.S. economy and underscores the importance of a strong legal immigration system that allows them to fully participate in society and contribute to the country's economic growth. As stated by Hildtich, "Granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants who grew up in the US would allow them to fully participate in society and contribute to the country's economy," (Hildtich) suggesting that granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants who grew up in the US is beneficial for both the immigrants and the country. Gale’s article adds that "Immigrants can provide labor and services in important economic areas, helping to meet workforce demands and expand the economy at the local, state, and national levels." (Gale) This quote emphasizes that immigrants can play a positive role in the economy by meeting workforce demands and expanding the economy at various levels, including local, state, and national levels. These quotes highlight the importance of immigrants in driving economic growth and the potential benefits of granting them