Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration

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Illegal immigration should not be changed because welcoming immigration strategies help people that are struggling all over the world have the opportunity to have a better life and having cheaper prices,better products, and higher profits.
Illegal immigration should not be changed because it helps strengthen the economy. Article”Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons” by Chief Editor remarks,”They are enjoying the country’s banking services. In return, they will pay dividends and interests to banks which it strengthens the economy of a country.” Immigrants are willing to pay a dividend when enjoying country’s banking services and strengthen the economy. This explanation is showing immigrants are willing to strengthen the economy by paying a dividend.Chief Editor adds,”It can increase the consumer’s base for different services and goods produced by the country, thus, they boost the country’s economy.”Having immigrants come to America increases service bases and boosts the …show more content…

Basically immigrants are having a better life coming to America and having the chance to contact their family once again. Joe Messeri adds on,”Some of the most intelligent and ambitious individuals, who are unsatisfied with their own countries, bring their skills to America.”This example is showing how some immigrants being welcomed is leading to new techniques with their