
Argumentative Essay On Immigration Reform

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Based my research, from what I’ve gathered, most recently in July, the House of Representatives voted to punish sanctuary cities of immigrants. While I know that this is unrelated to the reform, I feel that it is relevant because the entire population living in sanctuary cities, involved or not, will suffer. The bill basically stated that certain federal law enforcement grants will be withheld from cities that have policies designed to shelter illegal immigrants from deportation. While I believe that something needs to be done regarding illegal immigration, I do not think that punishing United States citizens via budget cuts to law enforcement In cities that have policy to shelter illegal immigrants is justified. However, getting back to the case on point, based on my reading the immigration debate can be summarized by four important points: 1. …show more content…

3. Currently, Obama supports illegal immigrants, as he believes they have a right to be here. Recently, he passed a bill allowing an expansion on the number of illegal immigrants permitted to work and live in the United States, by allotting for an expansion in a bill that casts new protection in the way of deportation protection, causing a widespread disapproval. 4. And finally, key aspects need to be taken into consideration concerning crime rates, the disease rates, the automobile fatality rates, and the educational records of the children of immigrants from different countries and the educational budget costs of educating illegal immigrants. Based on what we saw in the movie and what I have read, while federally illegal immigrants benefit the economy, locally in places like California, they do not and cost tax payers an enormous amount. Two of the main opposing arguments of congress regarding the immigration reform are the heavy costs of illegal immigrants, including the enforcement to keep them out and the argument for illegal immigrants saying they have the right to enter our country and benefit from the

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