Annotation one
Bibliographic details:
Bonson, D. (2017). Indigenous Suicide, Sexuali... | IndigenousX. [online] IndigenousX Showcasing & Celebrating Indigenous Diversity. Available at: [Accessed 29 Apr. 2017].
Key findings:
- “The lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTI community, who are undeniably the highest risk of suicide, self-harm, alcohol and other drug self medication, has apparently not attracted the attention of the wider mental health and suicide prevention sector.”
This quote confirms background research that I have undertaken, in the sense that I found very little resources aimed at indigenous LGBT people for mental health strategies. In saying this, it is still very surprising as this community has such a high rate of mental health related issues, yet these issues seem to be ignored continually. This quote is extremely important as it
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All quotes provided in my annotation are directly from my source, as doing otherwise would manipulate the source and change the way it may be perceived. I was also ethical as I used a source that did not exploit vulnerable groups within our society by including names of people whose stories they told and protecting the identity of everyone that was involved somehow in the production of the source. Moreover, Bonson was ethical whilst producing this source by remaining sensitive to those with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. As the subject matter of this source is suicide and mental illness, it was important that Bonson maintained a high level of ethics as to not exploit vulnerable groups in the community. The use of ethical sources in my research will ensure that no people were harmed to gain information for my project, and avoids contributing to the culture of victimisation surrounding the