Argumentative Essay On Japan Before Pearl Harbor

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It seemed that strategically the Japanese was always one step ahead of the United States. Plans and strategies that took months to develop were ruined and thrown out. Because the Japanese had thought things through and had planned ahead to counteract any of the U.S. military actions or they just happen to be at the right place at the right time. At this point, the United States had very few options left, one of these options was to take the island of Okinawa. The purpose for this operation was to invade and establish air bases there to carry out bombing in Japan, forcing the Japanese to surrender. (LEE, 2016) If necessary to invade the main island of Japan to end the war. It seemed easy enough but, not all things work out as planned. Let’s go back and see what options the United States had in mind. The U.S. Navy was going to block anything that the Japanese had coming in or going out of the main island Japan. (LEE, 2016) Which meant cutting off supplies and reinforcements to any other Japanese unit outside Japan. The Navy was also going to begin bombing on the north end of the island near Tokyo call Honshu and on the south end of the island of Kyushu for a possible invasion. (LEE, 2016) The second option was to support the first by …show more content…

“imperial Japanese Headquarters had ordered the 32nd Army to construct and protect 14 air fields in the Ryukyu islands which included Okinawa”. (LEE, 2016) around the same time is when the Japanese transferred the 9th division to Formosa, which weaken the line to defend Okinawa. “On Easter Sunday 1 April 1945” (LEE, 2016) the battle for Okinawa had begun. “The United States had committed seven Army and Marine Corps Division to Operation Iceberg” (LEE, 2016) and were “facing more than 100,000 Japanese soldiers of the 32nd Army and supporting naval units as well as 20,000 men of the Okinawa home guard” (LEE,

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