Argumentative Essay On Libertarianism

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But if you were to look at this this topic of gun control threw the view of the theory of libertarianism it will be seen as the violation of freedom. To have a gun is your right, your right of free choice and of freedom as it core. Libertarian would argue that just because people are killing other people with guns doesn’t mean that you can take their guns. Now In my opinion gun laws are very important to the United States. Gun laws have been around since the start of the revolutionary war. Gun laws were created due to violence such as the Boston massacre and the start of the war. These tragedies caused the US to be smarter and just when it came to guns. Now I believe that we should have guns but I also believe that we should have laws …show more content…

You have heard in the news how the gun seller gave the a person the gun and only ask for ID. The reason they do this is because they don't have the right or technology to do background checks on each person causing them to give he or she automatic weapons. I tell you this if gun sellers had the tech and knowledge to do and know this. Then many incidents would have been prevented. Another thing I want to say is that many news stations always say that the FBI or CIA or other agencies were watching the killer. For example the man that did the Orlando shooting was on a watch list by many agencies. Agencies said that they have been watching that man for months. Now the problem with is is that " if you know it why don't you do anything about". You see events like 9/11 were actually predicted and questioned but it wasn't until after 9/11 that America decide to take action.

Now more then 3000 people are murdered by the violence and stubbornness for more info. You see I learned that people should speak up or take action before an incident occurs. Many events such Methodist shooting, columbine shooting, San bernido and other events were watched and predicted but no one decide to speak up or help. Due to stubbornness and desire for info and power That is why I say that background checks are need and should be given to gun sellers. I also say that if an agency knows something