Michael Vick Case Study

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I disagree with my topic because michael vick shouldn't have been sentenced for making dogs fight. ‘’On Friday, the New York Jets signed Michael Vick to a one-year contract worth $5 million. History bears repeating:on, assisting in the recovery a The Michael Vick investigation began in April 2007 with a search of Bad Newz Kennels, located on Vick’s Virginia property. We at the ASPCA were involved early and analysis of forensic evidence from Vick’s property, including carcasses and skeletal remains of numerous dogs’ . After he got sentenced for making dogs fight he still was in the NFL so it wasn't really a big deal in the first place he shoulding been sentenced to jail for months. Second he got camera because after he got out and played again he broke his rubes so he got camera but still he shouldn't have been sentence. Other people make dogs fight and …show more content…

It ruined his afterying it ruining his life he ruined his career it ruined his everything. This happened in 2007 after he had his best season then he made one mistake and know its all ruined. When that happened there was friends and a lot of people and they didn't get fined are jail time only michael vick i Think they only did it for attention and ruin michaels cream. Michael vick is a great guy he was a role model and kids and fans looked up to him and believed in him. But after that one mistake everyone hates im now he's a bad influence a trouble quarterback just for all that he didn't deserve that i bet if that didn't happen he will be one of the best quarterbacks in NFL history i believed in him when i was a little kid he was my favorite quarterback and he still is doesn't matter everyone makes a bad decision everyone make mistake i bet we wishes he can go back in time and didn't do that he would be the greatest NFL player and role model. He's still my favorite athlete he's one of my heros i still have a poster