Argumentative Essay On Military Recruiters

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Military Recruiters should have Access to High Schoolers In Andrew Tonkavich’s article, “Learning to Say No to the Military,” he argues that military recruiters should not be able to go to high schools and gain access to students’ phone numbers and home addresses. His stance on military recruiters going to high school campuses is that it is a negative influence on the students. Tonkavich mentions that military recruiters “exploit children’s naiveté, ignorance, and impulse to self-sacrifice.” Tonkavich says how he wants his son to see through the military recruiters lies and to not give in to their “ridiculous promises.” (Tonkavich, LA Times) Recruiters will make promises to young students that they will receive further education, respect, make friends, and more positive aspects of the military, but never mention the negative; death and murder. Although Tonkavich only mentions negative issues of military recruiters going to high schools, there are various positives. Military …show more content…

Students often have a difficult home-life which makes them feel as if they don’t have a real family. Military surrounds students with other young adults with similar previous life situations, so they are able to relate to each other and eventually all become close. In the military they put men or women into shared rooms so everyone meets each other and essentially is forced to become close because they are living together so it’s inevitable. While in the military they will never have to be alone, and if they have any issues, they always have a person to go to for help. Students previously could have been in a bad neighborhood surrounded by gangs, drugs, and violence. Some young adults turn to a gang for a family-like feel, but if they went into the military, they would not need to go down that destructive road. It provides a student with an opportunity for a better life instead of choosing the wrong