Argumentative Essay On Obama Care

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As an ever growing populous of people and the idea of a health care that benefits all, seems to be a struggling feat in the United States. The market commodity way of dealing with health care has been universal standpoint for a quite a while; but even with this in mind, it doesn’t have the best coverage or cost regulation for the population that are in need of a supportive health care. On the consumer view on health care, having German based single-payer insurance that regulates the insurance industry, not having to pay deductibles, and, being able negotiate costs, that would be a better solution to consider as a replacement for Obamacare. When it comes to the German way of single-payer, insurers are not able to refuse coverage to anybody. …show more content…

The growing premiums and deductibles seem to have a growing effect on people who struggle with paying for a regular hospital bill or prescription. In some cases, like for Janice S. from the article Bitter Pill, who struggles with the idea of saving money for future expenses if her Medicare can’t pay for a part of her bills as a nearing senior, “They could be required to pay premiums based off their incomes, with the poor paying low premiums and the better off paying what they might have paid a private insurer.” It’s a cross roads, but with a German model, there is a different scenario. There is an option in germany that allows people to pay their premiums based off of their own incomes that goes to several insurance companies, these funds are established as “sickness funds”. These sorts of funds lead to competition between doctors; especially, since there are times where doctors feel underpaid. Although, doctors have a free education and premium that must be paid every year is lower than the United States. This should be the example to be made for the United States. Stated by T.R. Reid at the end of Sick Around World on Frontline, “The Germans have taken the profit out of healthcare and lowered the pay for doctors, there’s a lot here we need to catch up on”, this couldn’t have been said more

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