S Sugar Plantations In The 1800's Easy For The Immigrant Workers?

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Directions: Write a 5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay that answers the following: Was life on Hawaii’s sugar plantations in the 1800’s easy for the immigrant workers? Use the WORD BANK below for possible topics along with information from class, textbook, additional research or other sources of information as evidence to write your essay. Review the Argumentative Writing Rubric. Start your essay by filling out the Essay Outline. Use the outline to write your 5 paragraph Plantation Life Essay at the end of this document. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORD BANK (choose 1 Reason) Ethnic Segregation Gender Differences (Choose 1 Reason) Pay Scale Working Conditions …show more content…

-The focus is strongly maintained for the purpose, audience and task. -Claim is introduced and communicated clearly. -The focus in mostly maintained for the purpose, audience, and task. -Claim is unclear, confusing, and/or ambiguous. -The response may be too brief or the focus may drift from the purpose, audience, and/or task. -Claim is off topic. -No claim is given. Opposing Arguments (Double score) Opposing argument(s) are effectively acknowledged or addressed. Opposing argument(s) are acknowledged or addressed but may not be well supported. There is no detraction from the writing. Opposing argument(s) may be …show more content…

So they need to know how they held their storage manually. They also had to store food because they worked hard on the sugar plantations so they needed to store food and water but they didn't have enough water or food. The living condition was very crowded because they had to fit all of the person’s thing into the storage but it won’t be enough because it there will be more people putting storage in one place. They needed a room but most of them had to fit in one room and that won’t be enough for all those workers in one

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