Argumentative Essay On Syrian Refugees

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There is a myth that Canada is doing all it can possibly do for Syrian Refugees and that idea is simply not true. One of the main actions that the Canadian government could be doing is acknowledging that there is room for improvement in its response regarding the refugee crisis. For example, Chris Alexander stated that Canada “has one of the most generous per capita immigration and refugee resettlement programs in the world.” (CTV News 2016). This statement is false and the Minister’s statement merges immigrants and refugees together despite the fact they do not mean the same thing, which is something he should have known as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. While he is no longer in that position the sentiment that he promoted is still …show more content…

There is still a stigma surrounding mental health and the Canadian government should address is as a serious issue. There needs to support offered at the three migration trajectory components: premigration, migration and post migration resettlement. (Kirmayer et al. 2014). The government is providing mental health analysis in the premigration phase in order to determine whether they should be allowed to travel to Canada however there needs to be more support for refugees by the government or at least facilitated by the government once they arrive in Canada particularly because many refugees hold a strong belief that mental health problems make them weak. (Kirmayer et al 2014; Shannon 2015). Providing mental health services would actually be in the government’s best interest because mental health can impact every aspect of a person’s life. In order to have a positive increase to the wellbeing of public health the government must make a precedent that all aspects of individual health are equally