
Argumentative Essay On Thomas Putnam

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Thomas Putnam is a well-known citizen in Salem. He is the husband of Mrs. Ann Putnam who had given birth to 8 children, but only 1 survived. He is also a prosperous landowner in Salem. He is a selfish and very self-centered man who accused people for witchcraft when they are actually innocent. Because Thomas is such a thoughtless person, he punishes people in his own way. At the time, Putnam is greedy for land. In order to obtain land, Putnam uses his daughter, Ruth Putnam, to lie and blame people for witchcraft. His daughter Ruth was caught practicing witchcraft. Giles Corey states, “Thomas Putnam is reaching out for land.” (Miller 84) Giles is trying to inform Judge Danforth that Thomas is doing all of this for land, but he wants
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