Argumentative Essay: Redefining The American Dream

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“I would redefine the American Dream today as the potential to work for an honest, secure way of life and save for the future” (King). When it comes to the state of the dream, modesty means saving, and not buying expensive, practical things. People who would be considered modest are those who are preparing for their future with their money. Immodesty is people working for their money and buying items that are important to their life goals. The dream isn’t more modest because people are wanting to buy things such a house, car, and things like furniture for their home. Those are some of the thing Americans consider life goals. People still have the desire to spend their money. The American Dream is not more modest because King’s dream is more financially focused; I slightly agree, but I feel the dream is more individualized. The idea of the dream is the same for most, but it’s individualized because for instance, I want to be able to build my own home out in the country. It would have big windows and I’d be able to look out at a pretty view. See my dream could be different from someone …show more content…

This is important to the American dream being individualized because people have many beliefs and different goals towards what they want but still work together as a society. Americans work together by doing their own individual thing such as farming or being a teacher which benefits society. People want the good life, and that life is always changing with new ideas. The narrator than says, “This is the real secret of the American dream. The revolution which lit the skies 200 years ago with its vision of the good life for free men was a permanent revolution which grows constantly; searching, and finding new and better ways of bringing life's benefits to more and more people” (25:05-25:26). The American dream is individualized because each individual in their own ways are finding new and creative things to do to benefit