Argumentative Paper: A Body-Worn Camera For Police

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Argumentative/Persuasive Paper: A Body-Worn Camera for Police and Professional
Some of the sources have claimed that, security field should be equipped with state-of-the-art IT, technical or digital and ground-breaking gadgets with the intention of helping the public in its real meaning. It would aid the criminal justice system in an abundant way because of its digital and pioneering characteristics, it can contribute to the crime squad to streamline their tasks or operations (Andrea).
In reality, scientific implements and facilities, such as drones, global distribution system, global positioning system, GIS and so on truly upturn the dexterity of the law enforcement agency. The said resources exhibit a large role in furthering the capability …show more content…

Interviewer: Do you think it will be a viable technology?
a. Of course, if we track the ON time of the camera, the said issue can be evaded. However, there are a few issues, such as huge database, privacy, and wrong data by administrations by means of interfering in the actual footage and so on. Still, In my outlook, it should be feasible to deploy such technology, seeing its audio and video recording ability and its societal implication without considering its financial cost.
Research comparison of two studies on wearable video camera. Talking in favor of wearable video camera’s inclusion in the criminal justice system, from everyday experience and observation, Pervaiz Shallwani has observed that, wearable video cameras outperform all other hi-tech mechanisms if the criminal justice area is deliberated. Basically, it is proving to be the thought-out mechanism as it accrues audio-video materials with high resolution, which helps to grab hold of socially objectionable conduct. In some of the commonplace instances, it reduces the police abuse occasions, xenophobia or racism, and other ferocious demeanors of the cops in a voluminous manner (127). Consequently, it proves to be self-serving for the criminal justice arena, which aims at getting rid of wrongdoings from the …show more content…

In this course, the declined rate of abusing or police misconduct can be icing on the cake as the some of the psychologists confirm that, this camera will impede the citizens and constabularies to take part in verbal or physical disputes. Equally, it is claimed that, crucial issues, such as racism, rape, and violent questions can be cured outstandingly by such cameras.
Hence, it can be said that, the benefits can outdistance the cons or issues associated with the wearable video cameras and so, is the safest choice for the criminal justice system to recommend and deploy the said cameras in the real-time settings in conjunction with teaching staff how to use it wisely (SAVER). Also, seeing the police misconduct cases and other abusing and frequent violent behaviors among citizens and fraud squad, wearable video camera suits the most in the present conditions in the society.