Argumentative Writting Prompt

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Argumentative Writting Prompt Should government units be able to regulate what we consume? No, we should not be controlled for something as little as that. There are many opinions about this topic. And many of them are relevant and logica,l but some are not. First of all, the First Lady Michelle Obama announced it last year, taxes come from candy and soft-drink makers. “The governor of Massachusetts implored the Obama administration to rethink its proposal. The governor of Wisconsin protested as well. So did the government of Australia, which warned the move could violate international trade agreements.” International trade agreements and we could lose that due to some taxes. Then Berekeley Calif passed the naton’s first soda tax in 2014. He started the whole uproar. And what about low income cities and country’s? They cannot afford the extra taxes. This could also impact companies by not meeting their profit standards because many people will not want to buy their products if it costs more. …show more content…

She says “the average person drinks 1.25 sugary beverages per day.” That right there should tell the FDA that a lot of people will not want to go along with the

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