
Obesity Argument Essay

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We are so accustomed to buy a burger for a dollar, two tacos for 99 cents, and even better a burger, chicken nuggets, French fries and a drink for four dollars. It seems like every day there is a new deal in fast food places. These very affordable deals are appealing to anyone who is looking for a cheap and fast meal. However, when are we are going to have those types of deals for fresh fruits and vegetables. Now a days it seems more and more difficult for families to afford fresh healthy products. Therefore, cheap fast food is the only option most people have not because they do not know these food are harmful, but because they are the only food accessible to them. In result, this is one of the reasons why obesity is one of the biggest health problems in this country. According to Rebecca Ryan one of America’s most influential thought leaders obesity rates have tripled since 1980. In contrast, statistics shown by the Statistic Portal in 2013 the fast food industry generated approximately 191 million dollars. Moreover, obesity is a bigger …show more content…

A liter of soda can cost you a dollar but a pound of tomatoes is $2.99. There is clearly something wrong with this system. One of the problems is taxation. Kelly D. Brownell’s and Thomas R. Frieden’s on their essay “Ounces of Prevention—The Public Policy Case for Taxes on Sugared Beverages,” propose a simple solution to this problem. Their solution is to put an extra taxation on sugary beverages to stop the excessive consumption of this high calories drinks. This could be adapted not only to sugary drinks but also to all fast food. This way harmful food would not be as accessible to low income people reducing the risk of obesity. The money recover from taxation would be implemented to make fresh foods more affordable. By making harmful food more expensive fresh products would be in higher demand lowering their prices and forcing companies to create more sustainable

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