
Sugary Drinks Persuasive Essay

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Should the government limit the size of sugary drinks? Well, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg proposes a law, in which ban the size of sixteen ounces and bigger on sugary drinks. Bloomberg reason for his proposal is decreasing the obesity rate in New York City, in which it might help save some people's live, and hoping to have other cities follow his step. I contemplate it will not help the obesity rate as much as Bloomberg speculation. Limiting the size of sugary drinks does not maintain a low rate of obesity, but the same or higher rate. If the federal court passes the proposal, people have an opportunity to refill their cup in certain places. Peoples would definitely find a way to drink more than sixteen ounces of sugary drinks. The soda’s …show more content…

Soft-drink industry worried that the consumer has no freedom of choices. When Bloomberg announced his plan in May 2012. Industry poured “ millions of dollar into an ad campaign that framed the proposal as infringing on consumer freedom.” Many people say that The United States is a ‘Freed Country”, so The citizen should have a choice to choose a size of sixteen or bigger for sugary drinks. The proposal ban drinks size of sixteen ounces or bigger at the restaurant, movie theater, grocery store, and sports center. Why does seven-eleven gas station the only one to sell drinks size over sixteen ounces and bigger? Seven-eleven is famous for their “Big Gulp” cup because it a thirty-two ounces cup. If they let seven-eleven to sell their “Big Gulp” cup; why do they do not let the other places sell sixteen ounces or bigger drinks size? The proposal is unfair to other businesses in New York City.The American Beverage Association, the industry’s trade group, said that “it was pleased with the Court of Appeals ruling, saying the proposal “would have created an uneven playing field for thousands of small businesses in the city and limited New Yorkers’ freedom of choice.” This quote was explaining how the proposal is playing unfair for small businesses and New Yorkers do not have freedom of choice. I think that the government should not be concern about the public health.

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