Arguments Against Abortion

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It must be made known that innocent babies everywhere are being murdered in cold blood by the very doctors that are meant to save their lives. The issue of abortion has a long history. To sum up women have been helping each abort babies until the late 18th century. By the 19th century abortion was illegal, until now (History of Abortion). Most of the reasons that women get abortion are not justifiable. The one reason that is justified is if the mother has a terminal illness that can be passed from mother to child more on that later. It becomes clear that abortion should be illegal in the USA, because abortion is shown to cause damage to the mother, it tells that murder is okay, and all humans have the right to life which is Article 3 in the …show more content…

Research has shown that about 40-50 million fetuses and embryos are aborted worldwide per year (Worldometer). And that is only in the women in America. Most of those women feel that they shouldn’t get an abortion-it’s against their morals to kill their baby, to murder their own flesh and blood. And they often get a condition called Post-Abortion Syndrome or Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, it causes them to be unable to process harmful thoughts and emotions like guilt, anger, and grief. And with this comes depression, self-harm, and other negative side effects (Babbel). One may argue that abortion is safe and rarely does the mother get harmed. But the evidence shows that that is not all true, the mother is harmed psychologically. And symptoms like depression and self-harm can ultimately lead to the mother’s life ending. It is also understood that young women are judged for being pregnant, so that may lead them to abort their unborn child. Still they should let their children be adopted and not be put to death. Abortion is not the solution to their problem, it is the society that we live in that is the problem. And teens have many ways to prevent pregnancies. Some people can’t even have children and there are people that throw …show more content…

In the text Definition of Life and Death says, “A killing cannot be considered a criminal homicide unless the victim is a living human being…” (Definitions of Life and Death). This has been a factor that makes abortion legal. There is no way to sugar coat the fact that abortion is murder, just legalized. It is argued that victims of rape may not want to be reminded of their traumatic experience for 9 months and then the rest of their lives, so they feel almost justified to kill the product of hate and violence. This argument-although strong- hasn’t changed the fact that abortion should be illegal. A child is still a child, no matter the circumstances in which it is created. Others say that abortion is not the same as cold blood murder of a human because the fetuses feel no pain or because fetuses are not human beings. The same article stated above says that, “…a fetus is not considered a living human being until it has been born alive… a fetus is not considered a living human being until it has been born alive…”, which means that fetuses are not human by law (Definitions of Life and Death). This has made it difficult to say that abortion should be illegal when the law in fact says that fetuses are only considered human late in their development. This law has been found to be So that fetus is still human and the human right to