
Arguments Against Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide

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Euthanasia is a long, smooth-sounding word, and it conceals its danger as long, smooth words do, but the danger is there, nevertheless, said by Pearl S.Buck. Euthanasia is a word of Greek origin that means easy death.However, is death just a simple task or is it a decision made from pain? Most people would agree that euthanasia is just used to avoid physical pain.Thus euthanasia is illegal in Nevada. The three main reasons for this are, potential chance for fraud, impact on society and how guilt contributes to your decision. To begin, depression is a psychotic disorder marked by sadness, difficulty thinking and concentrating.Depression is an essential cause because if you have this disorder while you’re ill, you might decide something you'll …show more content…

Showing that depression is clouding the patient's thoughts of what they want vs what the disorder wants them to make. On the course of thinking that euthanasia is your only choice, then it is found that you are walking in a fraud.According to Dr.Bernoft; “the medical community has not done its homework on treating pain's a result there are treating the patient incorrectly.To continue, Dr.Bernoft also stated that “When a patient is given morphine, they may live months or years of good quality life” however, what will happen if the patient chooses euthanasia and dies without knowing that they still have a chance of living a pleasant life?Making this a fraud since most doctors or specialists are referring the patient to other doctors that believe there's no cure.Which leads to the second point, which is that doctors aren't conscious of what kind medication is on the market for it to be used on patients, so the doctor is most likely going to recommend the patient to do suicide, according to Dr.Bernoft. Not only will you die, but will be scammed when you have a real chance of having a good …show more content…

If euthanasia happened and was all over the world how would it affect society? Dr.Sanders exclaims a medical research is essential if the practice of medicine is to advance further.However, why would scientist or doctors search for a cure if euthanasia happened?This is, has happened in the Netherlands.In 1990, the Dutch government study found that 1,000 people got killed without consent.Also in 1995 the number progressed to 900 per life.org.nz.As time goes on and euthanasia has been selected ,discoveries for cures and research will be stopped because people will opt the decision to get someone to kill them instead of saving them. To end, euthanasia shouldn’t be legal in Nevada for reasons such as a community has not done its homework on treating pain's a result there are treating the patient incorrectly.To continue, Dr.Bernoft also stated that “When a patient is given morphine, they may live months or years of good quality life” however, what will happen if the patient chooses euthanasia and dies without knowing that they still have a chance of living a pleasant life?Making this a fraud since most doctors or specialists are referring the patient to other doctors that believe there's no cure.Which leads to the second point, which is that doctors aren't conscious of what kind medication is on the market for it to be used on patients, so the doctor is most likely going to recommend the patient to do suicide, according to

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