Top Ten Reasons Why Euthanasia Should Be Illegal

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I am a seventh grader attending Earl Warren Junior High and want to talk about the debate between euthanasia. Euthanasia should be illegal because euthanasia takes away the patient’s trust in medical profession. Secondly, there are alternative treatments other than using euthanasia. Euthanasia corrupts medicine and sends out a message that life is not worth living.
Euthanasia takes away the patient’s trust in medical profession. In the article Top Ten Reasons Why Euthanasia Should Be Illegal written by Listland it states that, “Doctors went through extensive training in order to ensure that they can provide safe and high quality healthcare to their patients. They even took an oath to treat their patients in the best of their ability. Their job is to take the …show more content…

In the article Twelve Reasons… Why Euthanasia Should Not be Legalized it states that, “The solution to this is to make appropriate and effective care and training more widely available, not to give doctors the easy option of euthanasia.” With other treatments, euthanasia is very unnecessary to use and doctors shouldn’t use euthanasia as an easy way out of treating the patient. Instead of using euthanasia, doctors should get more training for treating terminally ill patients rather than ending their life. In the article Alternatives To Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide on Health Service Executive it states that, “Palliative sedation involves giving a person medication to make them unconscious and, therefore, unaware of pain. It is often used in people with terminal illnesses.” Though palliative sedation is similar to euthanasia, some methods of euthanasia are very painful, when palliative sedation keeps the patient unconscious until they die. Therefore, if a patient were to end his or her’s life, the better treatment, other than euthanasia, is palliative sedation. Than using euthanasia, there are alternative treatments to treat terminally ill