Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution

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When it comes to the topic of legalizing prostitution, most of us readily agree this is a highly debatable, and emotional topic, and at the core, both men and women have the right of freedom of choice over their sexuality. When engaging in this topic, one cannot ignore the positive and negative effects on a nation that legalizes prostitution. In my own opinion, I agree and disagree with the legalization of prostitution because it causes major effects on the nation’s economic system. Prostitutes will be benefitted by being able to receive healthcare services in order to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. They will also be entitled to having a better lifestyle in there economic needs, but at the same time, human trafficking is a major issue worldwide due to the prostitution business. Furthermore, …show more content…

It’s important to understand that with legalized can help the country’s tax revenue. In the article, “Prostitution; Legalize it, Regulate it, Tax it” Dennis Hof says, that if prostitution is legalized it will become easier to regulate and by taking prostitution we would help save our countries economy. Hof claims, “Sex workers could work independently from madams and pimps and pay their taxes. If the sex worker is ripped off robbed, beaten, rapped or otherwise victimized, they would be free to phone law enforcement to assistance. The money jurisdictions could save on scaled back vice squads would help some of the financially unstable cities and countries across the country” (Hof). In other words, Hof states that if prostitution is legalized prostitution can be taxed instead of it being another expense. Women would not only feel secure but they’ll get a fair share of the money that belongs to them. Taxing prostitution would give the government its part, and in return the government will be able to provide them with better resources for sex