Arguments Against Tattoos

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People in society have marked their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years now. Tattooing has been a form of expression and many refer to it as a freedom of speech from the First Amendment. The utilization of these tattoos has often been as a form to express their spiritual beliefs, honor loved ones, creating a fashion statement, and to identify themselves. “It is estimated that in the United States, the number of people in the general population with tattoos range from 7 to 20 million” (Palermo, 2011, p. 507). Physical appearance and societies opinion varies widely depending on its presentation.
In my opinion, I work for one of the most elite law enforcement agencies in the nation. I have been a North Carolina State Trooper for the …show more content…

They are a law enforcement agency that only have jurisdiction over the hospital and they are called, “Special Police.” I interviewed several of the officers and they said they really don’t have a written policy on tattoos and body modifications. They all said they are allowed to display tattoos or body piercings as long as they are not offensive. So, I asked myself the question, “Who determines if these are offensive?” I think that depends on society and who is viewing that tattoo or body modification. These law enforcement officer are in contact with the same type of people in society that we are. I feel that the public looks highly upon us because of the way we dress, the command presence and the professionalism that we convey. I have seen and heard this from the public as we are compared to other agencies all the time. “Physical deviance is perhaps the most visible form of deviance, and it can evoke stereotypes, stigma, and discrimination” (Inderbitzin, Bates, Gainey, 2016, p. 49). In today’s society people are often very quick to pass judgement on someone that has tattoos or body …show more content…

When I work, these tattoos are not visible. Many of my coworkers across the State are prior military or from other branches of law enforcement, which mostly all have tattoos. I agree that law enforcement or correction officers should be allowed to exhibit body modifications, however in our profession I don’t agree with them being visible. I feel that everyone should look the same because we are militant organizations that shadow structure and professionalism. To answer the question concerning a State Trooper taking a collision report at 3am with neck tattoos and hoop earrings, I don’t personally have a problem with this because my goal is to get a collision report and not concentrating on his appearance. However, many people in society could view these tattoos as deviant. I feel their opinion will be based on their culture, the content in which it is displayed and the historical time period. “Deviance is defined through shifts from culture to culture, situation to situation and one time period to another (DeCecca, Powerpoint 2017, p.