Arguments Against Teenagers Voting

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Teens are Eligible – Don’t Think so…. Do you agree that teenagers should vote? Do you think the voting age should be lowered, or do you believe that the voting age should be raised? Voting age has always brought up major discussions in the past and the present. Everyone has an opinion on teenagers voting, but teenagers’ voting is a terrible idea. Teenagers voting is an awful idea because, they will have a diminutive voter turnout, they have not completed high school, and they would not care about elections. United States is a giant country in an enormous world. It has one of the largest populations in the world. Seeing that it is a gigantic country, people should be required to participate in every voting election ever. So, it is extremely significant to vote, and that is why teenagers should not be certified to vote. This is the case because according to, people between the ages of 18-29 have the least amount of voter turnout, so if we permit teenagers to vote this amount of voters will decrease by a massive amount. When you go to cast your vote, you need to know what you are moving toward. Your one vote can change the entire country for years or decades to come. So, knowing what you are advancing toward is vital, and letting …show more content…

They are truly significant for the improvement of our country. If you look up the statistics from Census.Gov you will know that in 2014, only 41.9% of the U.S population voted, and in the Presidential Election only 61.8% of the U.S. population voted. This fact has given a message saying that if we permit teenagers to vote, the numbers might descend from 41.9% to 34%. Think of all the people who require help, and are starving to death. They require someone to help them, and when teenagers don’t vote leading a wrong person to win, think of the length of time these people will have to suffer for. Why to permit un-necessary right if you are not going to utilize

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