
Arguments Against The Death Penalty In The United States

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The debate concerning the death penalty in the United States has been a long, and seemingly never ending, discussion about the pros and cons of such punishment. The death penalty is self-explanatory. In the United States the crime of murder, in modern times, is the only crime punishable by death. The two sides of the debate are very polar. The side against the death penalty would argue that the punishment is unconstitutional and ineffective. The side that approves of it sees the death penalty as just and necessary. The arguments for and against the death penalty are like two sides of the same coin. For example, some believe that the death penalty teaches nothing to the criminal but others believe that the death penalty teaches …show more content…

This historical figure represents in many ways the opposition to the death penalty. A side that argues that the means should match the ends, therefore killing a person as a punishment for the crime of murder would only instigate a perpetual cycle of repetitive and ineffective justice. According to an article posted by “Flamehorse” on the website LISTVERSE.com, there are five main reasons why the common public is against the death penalty. One of the arguments against the death penalty is that it teaches nothing. Much of the meaning behind punishment is to teach a lesson; to position an idea in the wrong doer's mind. The punishment of death would end the wrong doer instead of giving the criminal the possibility of a lifetime of vindication or atonement. Those against the penalty would argue against the comment of “the death penalty dissuades murderers to never exist.” Statistically, in the United States had a murder rate of 4.8 victims per every 100,000 people in 2012. The intent of killing and the act of murder will keep existing even with the death penalty in place. Other points against the death penalty are that it’s hypocritical, it is always cruel, and that a better punishment is to let those that commit murder suffer through the anguish of living in …show more content…

The death penalty consists of five different execution methods such as the firing squad, hanging, lethal gas, the electric chair and lethal injection. All states and federal government use the lethal injection as their primary method of execution. The lethal injection can consist of a single-drug or three-drug protocols. The three-drug protocol first uses the anesthetic, then the pancuronium bromide which paralyzes the inmate and finally the potassium chloride to stop the inmate's heart. The single-drug protocol only uses a lethal dose of an anesthetic. Both of these drugs protocols are insert on a long tube that is connected to the needles on the inmate’s usable veins. There is eight states that provide the electric chair as a method of execution, in this method the person is strapped to a wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes that are placed on the body. There is three states that provide lethal gas executions, in this method the person is strapped to a chair in a airtight chamber and below the chair rests a pail of sulfuric acid. Then, the doors are sealed and the hydrogen cyanide gas is released and after half an hour they come for the body. There is three states that provide the hanging this method secures hands and legs, inmate is blindfolded, the noose is placed around the neck with a knot on the left ear, and then the trap door is

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