Arguments Concerning The Use Of Filibusters In The United States

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A filibuster is a tactic commonly used in the Senate. It is used to stall debates, so bills might eventually pass to the next level. A filibuster has been heavily debated on its purpose since it has been used to stall debate instead of promoting it. Madison states in Federal Papers No. 51. If people were angels, there would have to be no rules or regulations to govern the people and the government itself. Madison's theory in Federalist Paper No. 51. Article One of the Constitution proves how detrimental filibusters are to policy-making in Congress and how they have become an abuse of power. Federalist 51 explains how people abuse their power to gain control. Filibusters are an example of an abused power. Filibusters were created to influence …show more content…

The first article of the Constitution states that Congress has the power to determine the rules of its proceedings. This means that the Houses are responsible for their own rules, as long as they follow the Constitution. The Senate could use this power for good and use it to better the law-making process. Instead, the Senate uses it to waste time, instead of using it to try to pass a law that could better America. Filibusters are commonly used to put the Senate members' personal beliefs above bettering the country, and that is why they can be very detrimental. In Federalist 51, Madison states the importance of checks and balances, and each branch of government having its powers. Federalist 51, set a precedent for Bicameral legislation, which created the House and Senate. The filibuster is the Senate's check. If there is a mostly democratic Senate, then the Republicans can use a filibuster to stop a bill from being passed that they think would best fit America. When the filibuster is used correctly, it can be used to increase debate and ideas, to make a law that will best fit Americans. Article One of the Constitution allows Congress to make rules for their

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