Arguments Of Healthcare Privatization

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On the contrary, the main argument for privatisation is that private companies have a profit incentive to cut costs and be more efficient. Privatization is argued to reduce waitlists the current system has been taxed with. Healthcare privatization would improve access to medical care for patients who purchase private insurance and, by freeing public resources, for those who remain in the public system (Dirnfeld, 1996). Quality of care is impacted by an underfunded public system which has led to poor health and deaths. In British Columbia Dirnfeld (1996) states the waiting list for elective surgery grew significantly and there are waiting lists of many months for coronary angiography and angioplasty treatments. Privatization respects individual autonomy by giving individuals the 'power' to purchase their own health care through private health insurance companies. …show more content…

Furthermore, Battaglio and Legge (2008) report that privatizing healthcare allows for the government to increase the delivery services in many other areas including national defense, education, criminal justice, and public welfare. Lastly, in a capitalist economy privatization of state owned monopolies allows for competition which can be the greatest incentive to improve efficiency. For example, there is now more competition in telecommunications and distribution of gas and electricity. Tiemann and Schreyogg (2012) showed that hospitals moving to private for profit status displayed an increase in efficiency after privatization that was significantly higher than that recognized by their non-privatized counterparts over the same period. These efficiency gains were a result significantly reducing all workers, with the exception of physicians and administrative staff, and spending on