Compare And Contrast Two Friends And The Interlopers

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“The Interlopers written by Saki ,is a story about two families, who despised each other for generations. While on the other hand, “Two Friends”, respectively written by Guy De Maupassant is a short story about two loyal fishing friends. Throughout both stories there are many differences to note, and quite few similarities, causing the two short stories to line up laterally to each other in the end. Although, the different time periods cause a huge contrast for the setting, there is a small connection. That connection is, war and fued. Instead of the war being between countries over some land, it is between two men over an opaque forest. Other than this connection there are only differences. The differences lie in the landscape, country and even weather. The story, Two Friends which is set up in mild weather takes place in Paris during the late 1800’s. The interlopers, being the opposite of the former takes place in the 1900’s, amidst the dense snowy forest. Furthermore, the comparison between the characters is about the same ratio as that of the setting. The characters of both stories are unparalleled as the two from the Interlopers are are hateful, stubborn, forgiving, moody, and one being compassionate. These characteristics alone make both sets of characters to the other …show more content…

Both authors of the stories uses a ubiquitous view, where the reader can look at the big picture, allowing them to see the feelings of every character. For this point of view the following pronouns: them, they, him, and she are used. As an example these citations prove both stories omnipresent view, “On one point they were in absolute agreement: mankind would never be free” ( cited from “Two Friends”), “Even when he had accomplished that operation, it was long before he could manage the unscrewing of the stopper or get any of the liquid down his throat.” ( cited from “The