Differences In The Wife's Story 'The Interlopers'

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The characters in The Wifes Story accept the smell of their husband/dad They must accept him for who he is, until he starts turning into a werewolf then, at this point his daughter and wife start to not care for him When his daughter sees him she says "make it go away, make it go away" which shows that she dosent accept him for him.. when he turns into a werewolf they shoot "it" to try and get their father back. In the story The Interlopers the characters accept the differences of eachother by throwing the feud between their families away to start a new friendship, what made them see that their differences didnt matter was to get stuck under a tree with nobody near them for a while... At the beginning they hated eachother and when they got stuck under the tree they started apologizing because they were only gonna live for a little longer. In …show more content…

In one part of the story Sergei showed no care for a little boy, when he knocked on his door, he opened the door but he didnt want to let the kid in and also he needed a picture of his face for a movie which he didnt want to do either, which showed that he didnt care. There was a part when he showed care.. When the Little boy tried to steal his goldfish, he killed him the goldfish asked if he wanted to wish him back to life but he said no because he only had one wish