Arguments Rights Movement And The Prohibition Of Prostitution

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Sex is a natural part of the human mind. Men and women will find ways to have sex even if it means paying another person to participate. That is what we know now as Prostitution. Prostitution is in a very well-known way known as "the world's oldest job/line of work." It was legal until 1915 when most states passed laws making it illegal. One of the main reasons for the prohibition of prostitution was to keep soldiers out of the whorehouses so they would stay focused on the war. After WWII, lawmakers left the prohibition laws in place instead of undoing them. Most women in prostitution did not make a clear and sensible choice to enter prostitution. A prostituted woman obeys to the only options available to her. Her compliance is required by …show more content…

Although there have always been reformist efforts and movements concerning prostitution, the prostitutes' rights movement, the difference between the modern prostitutes' movement and previous efforts is that the current movement has been defined in a large part by prostitutes themselves. Prostitute activists have defined prostitutes' legal status in specific ways since the beginning of the prostitutes' rights movement. The current movement includes recognition of the rights of prostitutes to independence and self-regulation. Most societies that allow prostitution do so by giving the state control over the lives and businesses of those who work as prostitutes. Legalization often includes special taxes for prostitutes, restricting prostitutes to working in whorehouses or in certain zones, licenses, registration of prostitutes and government records of individual prostitutes, and health checks, which often means punishment-based isolation to protect from spreading disease... In fact, in one commonly accepted definition of legalization, legal can simply mean that prostitution is not against the law. Prostitution is defines as "the put into operation of sexual services for negotiated payment between permission-giving adults. It is a service industry like any other exchange of skills for money. Workers in the sex industry deserve the same rights as any other …show more content…

In the UK for example, the amount spent on prostitutes per year is about 770m. of pounds. If they would pay taxes, the Government would get about 260m of pounds, which will lead to a big increase in GDP. Prostitution is an industry like any other. If it comes to being legalized, both parties would benefit from the agreement. Government will get its taxes, while women or man working in the industry, will be safer: they won't have to pay to a "Mac or a gang for protection, they will have health insurances, they will have retirement benefits so they won't have to worry about their "old days, they will be protected from violence and abuse. Some think prostitution will prevent child prostitutions, "child" means a person who has not reached the age of 18 years. Let's not forget that prostitution is above all a personal choice. If the person has been forced to prostitute herself/himself, by legalizing it, the government will prevent that. They can create internationals programs, which will help very old prostitutes who do not which to work at such anymore, to train and find another job. Prostitutes have always been and still are thought of as inferior people which is why our community of people treats them so. Others think this will increase child prostitution because in the Netherlands it has increased very much during the 1990's. The Amsterdam-based Child Right organization guesses that the