Ariana Hatred Quotes

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During Ariana’s time at Brenda T., she is required to have daily meetings with a psychologist at her correctional facility. Ariana is assigned to Dr.Meloni. In the book, it is displayed that Dr. Meloni has a deep hatred for Ariana. In fact, after Ariana’s staged suicide attempt, he was not impressed. He hated her so much that he told her, “If you want it all over so badly, then I just have one thing to say to you. Next time, try harder.” (Brian, 39). This showed a level of disrespect that Ariana has never experienced in her life. It also demonstrated the amount of hatred shared between Ariana and Dr. Meloni. In addition, it also proved how Ariana is negatively affected by him. Not only did Dr. Meloni speak poorly to Ariana, he also goes out

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