Ariel Dainty Quotes

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When Prospero is with Ariel, he treats her with kindness and attention to manipulate her to do whatever he asks. “Why, that’s my dainty Ariel. I shall miss Thee, but yet thou shalt have freedom. So, so, so, so. To the King’s ship, invisible as thou art. There shalt thou find the mariners asleep under the hatches. The master and the boatswain being awake, enforce them to this place, And presently, I prithee.” This quote is near the end of the book when Prospero is letting Ariel free as he has decided to throw away his passion for magic. Prospero uses “dainty” to show his appreciation and love towards Ariel. Prospero also respects Ariel by saying, “I shall miss Thee, but yet thou shalt have freedom.” This shows that Prospero understands Ariel’s …show more content…

In this quote, it is Caliban talking to himself after Prospero threatens him, “I must obey”. His art is of such power It would control my dam’s god, Setebos, And make a vassal of him.” Caliban tells himself that he has no other choice but to listen and obey Prospero. This quote is significant because Calibans usually have the mindset to rebel and disobey. He realizes how much power Prospero has over him and realizes how little he has because he can’t even get out of doing a task. Caliban says that Prospero’s power could defeat “my dam’s god, Setebos”. That caused Caliban to think this way, due to Prospero’s manipulation. Caliban has been exploited by Prospero for so long that anything Prospero wants Caliban to believe is engraved into his brain. “Dost thou forget From what a torment I did free thee?” “If thou more murmur’st, I will repay an oak And peg thee in his knotty entrails till Thou hast howled away twelve winters.” In this quote, Prospero talks to Ariel. It shows the power he has over Ariel. Prospero then threatens Ariel that he will imprison Ariel if she continues to complain. He also orders Ariel to turn into a nymph. Prospero made it seem like Ariel was behaving very badly, even though Ariel was behaving just fine. Prospero convinced Ariel that she was misbehaving and that she should be ashamed. This makes Ariel never disobey or rebel because she now knows that Prospero is picky and any kind of misbehavior he gives to Prospero, she will be badly punished. This shows that Prospero manipulates Ariel to do things,