On the Origin of space and time Understanding the reality of space and time has been one of the main themes of many of the great scientists and philosophers such as Newton, Leibniz, Kant, and others. However, these scientists and philosophers had different arguments. While Newton argued that space and time are real and absolute, Leibniz and Kant argued that space and time are ideal, but for Leibniz space and time are object-dependent, while they are mind-dependent for Kant. All these thinkers’ perspectives counted on the Euclidean geometry and the associated understanding of motion, but they were refuted by Einstein’s theory of relativity and Poincare’s mathematical conventionalism. Einstein’s theory was driven by the attempt to solve some …show more content…
Einstein actually provided us with two theories of relativity; one that deals only with inertial frames of references, the frames where there is no acceleration, and another that he generalized for all frames of references. The first one, Special Relativity (SR), has two postulates: first, the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of references. Second, the speed of light is the same in all inertial frames of references. The second theory, General Relativity (GR), is a gravity theory that counts on SR and the equivalence principle. The equivalence principle concisely states that there is no way to distinguish between gravity and acceleration. Both SR and GR were thoroughly tested through the conduction of too many universal …show more content…
We have discussed, in a brief and sketchy way, some of the current theories in physics and some of their possible consequences and implications on our understanding of space and time. Regardless of those speculations and the implications, the reality of space-time still unsolved and will the biggest mysterious challenge to every physicist and philosopher. Thus, whatever the theory of everything would be, it has to explain what the origin of space and time. Briefly, physics would not be completely understood until the reality of space and time is completely