
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics

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As we have read in the Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics book, Aristotle believed that there are three different kinds of friendship. There is the friendship of utility, the friendship of pleasure and the friendship of the good. Aristotle believed that in order for people to be friends they must see each other with common respect and wish one another good. The friendship of utility as described by Aristotle is the kind of friendship that is not permanent it is mostly temporary. This kind of friendship is mostly temporary because the friendship is based on benefits that can be obtained from one another. Once the person obtains what they were looking for then this type of friendship usually fades away. As for the friendship of pleasure as described …show more content…

Alicia was a former student of Nash whom they both feel a mutual attraction towards each other and decided to date each other. At first this friendship seem to be a friendship of pleasure since both of them felt an attraction towards each other. However, as time progress they built a friendship of the good where both of them share common virtues and respected each other. Their friendship was nature therefore making it last a long time. According to Aristotle, “ The perfect form of friendship is that between good men who are alike in excellence or virtue. For these friends wish alike for one another’s good because they are good men…those who wish for their friends good for their friends sake are friends in the truest sense, since their attitude is determined by what their friends are and not by incidental consideration” (pg.219-220). This type of friendship is demonstrated throughout the rest of the movie especially when Nash is diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can affect the way an individual interprets reality. According to the Mayo clinic, “Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling…require lifelong treatment.” At first when Nash was first diagnosed with Schizophrenia Alicia could not believe what was going on. She was devastated and had to find out for herself. She went to Nash office to see what he was working on and found all these articles that were hanging on the wall marked that’s when she knew that the doctors diagnosis were

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