Arjuna's Worldview

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In the beginning of The Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna’s worldview is that nothing is bigger than family to him; he strongly believes that destroying your own family is a sin. This directs his decision making and actions by, setting down his bows and arrows in the middle of the battle field. Being a warrior, Arjuna looks at his opponents, and sees his kinsmen, and is no longer ready for war. Arjuna tells Krishna, “I lament the great sin/ we commit when our greed/ for kingship and pleasures/ drives us to kill our kinsmen.” (1.45). Arjuna is portraying that men are greedy and would do anything to achieve kingship, even if that means killing their own family. The kingship will mean nothing to Arjuna if he must kill his family to receive it. Arjuna’s main

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