Arkansas Tech Case Study

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Arkansas Tech
Arkansas Tech University was founded by act 100 of the 37th Arkansas General Assembly. it was announced on Feb. 10, 1910 that Russellville would be home to the second district Agricultural school. Arkansas Tech offers more than 100 programs of study, including 25 master 's degrees, in the colleges of applied sciences, Arts and Humanities, Business. Arkansas Tech has single sex dorms. It is also a public college. Arkansas Tech has baztech it is a place to eat and hang out with friends. It includes Starbucks, which which, build a burger and lots more. Composite ACT score of 19 or above, composite SAT score of 1330 or above, or a composite COMPASS score of 68 (averaging scores in algebra, writing, and reading). Note: The ACT Writing exam is not required for admission purposes.
Completion of graduation …show more content…

Financial assistance consists of scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment, which may be offered to students singularly or in various combinations, depending upon the degree of need. In determining the extent of a student’s need, the University must consider the financial support which may be expected from the income, assets, and other resources of the parents and the student. Aid awards by the University are considered supplementary to the efforts of the student’s family in assisting their children with college expenses. All awards are administered by the Financial Aid Office in accordance with the University’s equal educational opportunity policy. The University does not participate in individual financial aid agreements with other institutions, including study abroad programs. Study abroad in a Tech sponsored program approved for academic credit is considered for Federal aid in the same manner as all other for academic credit classes. I got this information from the Arkansas tech