College Options for Dental Hygienists
Dental Hygienist can obtain their training from academic programs such as community colleges, technical colleges, and dental schools or universities. A community college program commonly takes about two years to complete, which is an associate degree. Dental hygienist candidates are required to at least have an associate’s degree. With an associate’s degree make licensure examination can be made, or become licensed to work at a dental office. Dental hygienist with a bachelor’s degree will stand out more than the others, due how uncommon it is of having one. A master’s degree should be obtained, by those who have a desire of going into fields of teaching or research. Bachelor and master degrees
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If desired to education can be continued by obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree in dental hygiene. Then a passing score on the National Board Dental Hygiene Exam is required to be eligible for the licensure exam. Next, a clinical exam must be taken. In order to practice a license must be obtained. The state in which the hygienist plans in practicing, is where the licensure exam must be taken and passed. Dental hygienist are required to be graduates from commission accredited dental hygiene programs by most states to be eligible for the state licensure …show more content…
Essential qualifications needed for the program are: motor skills, sensory/observation, communication, cognitive, behavioral/emotional, and professional conduct. An application must be filled out to be admitted in the dental hygiene program. The AAS dental hygiene program is five semesters, with a minimum of 92 credit hours including prerequisite courses. Dental hygiene courses must be passed with a 75 percent or higher and a GPA of at least 2.75 must be kept to continue in the program. Applicants are required to have completed prerequisite courses before their fall semester if desired to enter the program. First year students will take a six week program in the summer, which will prepare them for year two. Pre-requisites for the program are: Human anatomy with lab, Human physiology with lab, Intro to Chemistry with lab, Intermediate Algebra, and Microbiology for Allied Health with lab. When completing the program the dental hygiene must take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination, Regional Clinical Exam, and the Missouri Jurisprudence exam in order to become licensed in Missouri. As of 2015 In-district costs with gen-eds is estimated around $33907.00. Tuition and fees can be paid for by using A+. Also by applying for scholarships that SFCC offers such as, The President 's Academic Excellence Scholarship, Achievement Scholarship, and Financial