Licensure And Certification: Mandatory Credentialing Process

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Licensure and certification are two different processes for practitioners. According to Law and Ethics for Health Professionals, licensure is “a mandatory credentialing process established by law, usually at the state level, that grants the right to practice certain skills and endeavors.” (Judson, Harrison Grall, Chad Chapter 3 Working in Health Care 2016 52) Licensure is at a state level and requires the applicant going for the licensure to meet certain requirements such as training, education, and required examinations along with paying a fee (Medical Licensure). Practitioners need to have a valid license to practice services in their field of study in the state they work. Each state has their own requirements for granting a license but the …show more content…

Each of these private companies will have certain requirements such as education, skills, or passing an exam to receive a certification. Certifications must also be renewed periodically. A certification may be favorably looked upon by the facility or practitioner’s office offering employment and in today’s highly specialized economy, having a certification can lead to more job …show more content…

Every practitioner on this list has satisfied specific requirements to belong to this registry such as education and training. The registration record is accessible to other practitioners for patient referrals. Practitioners on the registration can update their contact information and preferred mode of contact at any time. (Health Provider Registry) Adding a practitioner’s name to the registry list is a voluntary act and the practitioner is not prevented in any way from continuing to provide the services their license allows them to