Armstrong Sperry's Ghost Of The Lagoon

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Being brave is something the world needs. But many people are brave in situations, but underestimate the situation. Have you ever planned to be brave, but got scared in the mix of the problem? Have you ever suffered the loss of a loved one and felt the urge to avenge them? In the fictional small story, “Ghost of the Lagoon” by Armstrong Sperry, the main character is a young boy that lives on the island called Bora Bora. His name is Mako, and he feels the urge to avenge his father, for the reward of being brave. At the start of the story, Mako is talking to his grandpa about Tupa, the “Ghost of the Lagoon.” Mako's mother scolds him for the foolish talk. But that leads his mother into forcing Mako’s grandpa to tell Mako about his father. Who was killed by Tupa? …show more content…

“I shall slay Tupa, and win the king’s reward!” he declares. This shows that if you are brave, sometimes there will be a reward. For example, the 30 acres and a sailing canoe. 211. In the story “Ghost of the Lagoon” by Armstrong Sperry, the setting is pretty consistent. But in the middle of the story, Mako is fighting the beast Tupa, who killed his father. The setting at the time is in the early evening, when the sun goes down. Mako feels the rush to scurry home before the dark closes in on Afa and him. Then, as they head back, Mako calls out to Tupa, “Ho, Tupa! It’s too late tonight to teach you a lesson. But I'll come back tomorrow.” (214) But Mako suddenly encounters Tupa. Mako feels the urge to avenge his father and win the king's reward, but is frightened to death. Suddenly, Afa jumps out of the canoe and starts to swim to shore. And Tupa starts to charge at them. So Mako, in the mix of things, grabs his very sharp spear, and throws the weapon at Tupas eye. The spear hits the eye, blinding