Army Containment Analysis

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For the Army, sustainment is the provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion (ADP 4-0). Operation Iraqi Freedom was a major combat operation that required extensive logistical support. My example of sustainment will be based on the 3rd Infantry Division logistical lines of support during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The supply levels for the 3rd Infantry Division was to start off with five days of food supply and water during the invasion. The exception was for the support battalions, they would maintain a 2 day supply. That amount of supplies was adequate, but the resupply plan was not able to stay on track. The initial resupply was supposed to occur two days after movement began. However, the first resupply did not take place until the 5th day. Some of the units were down to a day or less of supplies. If you take a look at the principles of sustainment, 3rd Infantry Division applied some of the principles of sustainment but not all. Take anticipation for instance, having the ability to foresee operational requirements. During the movement no one anticipated weather, such as a shamal or …show more content…

I have had similar experiences, not only within my aviation unit, but also when I was a field artillery crew member. Our last NTC rotation was hampered very much with maintenance issues and having parts brought out to us in a timely manner. This is something that could have been anticipated with our unit since it’s an Apache battalion. Considering the principles of sustainment, our unit should have probably anticipated maintenance issues and kept more parts on hand. I understand that foreseeing such issues is not an easy task at all, however, there were missions that could have not been accomplished if it was not for the outgoing maintainers that we had at the National Training Center with