
Army Leadership Philosophy Essay

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In today’s Army, comprehending leadership philosophy could be the difference between being successful or failing drastically. As leaders, we must ensure that our subordinates understand our philosophy, leadership style, and our vision to ensure their success. Someone who is a leader knows that the success is a direct reflection of how successful your subordinates can be as well as their learning. Subordinates are your life line. Having a philosophy tailored with the Army Values will promote a culture free of harassment that will enhance the discipline within the organization. It’s very important that our Soldiers are introduced something strong like a well-balanced philosophy in their early stages of their military career to develop them into the next generation of leaders, by teaching them the correct way to do things this makes them into great …show more content…

Therefore as a Senior Noncommissioned Officer’s (NCO), we have to be committed to the personal and professional growth of the younger and newer soldiers entering the military and our formations, by us doing this, our Soldiers will be extremely motivated and driven to be successful . This will drive them to have high standards throughout their Army career. Integrity, honesty, compassion, and respect for the military and those who represent it, are values that every leader should take to heart. I hold myself to a higher standard to set the example for my Soldiers to emulate. I strongly believe in self-development. Self-development really shows you care about your profession and also the opinions and understanding of others. When I sit down and talk to them, they will see and understand we are relatable in our concerns and mission. This will allow them to open up and be able to give and take constructive feedback. This will also help me develop a better level of understanding of each

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