Army Reserve Case Study

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1. PROBLEM. How to make the U.S. Army Reserves Soldiers be ready and safe when taking the Army’s new physical fitness test by the year 2020.

2. RECOMMENDATION. Course of Action 1. Develop an effective unit strengthening and endurance physical fitness program to improve and increase safety for the challenging new Army APFT.

3. BACKGROUND. The U.S. Army Reserve Component (RC) continue to partake in upcoming missions and maintaining continuous readiness. The Reserve component must meet the challenge of physical readiness for mission performance often with less collective training time than regular Army units. The Army Combat Readiness Test (ACRT) is in the last stages of development and is a physical demanding test. The RC are …show more content…

The evaluation criteria weigh ranging from one to four. The most important criteria are the effectiveness of the course of action. The second most important criteria are the added training time course of action. The third most important criteria are the safety course of action. The fourth most important criteria are the training time to execute course of action. When a course of action compares against each to their advantages and disadvantages against the criteria, it assigns a numerical value from one to two with one being most important and two being the least important. The combined score total is the overall weight. Each member of the group measured the criteria separately. The group’s average for each course of action determines the desired course of …show more content…

The new APFT will be demanding to get Soldiers in top physical condition and the Reserve Component need to prepare for this change to support Soldiers in reducing injuries. Trying to choose the best method to get positive results in keeping reserve components in top physical condition is a difficult decision. All criteria graded is of importance of 1-4 with 1 being the highest. The grading of the courses of action comparing against each other to their advantages and disadvantages against each criterion, and assigning a numerical value from one to two with one being most important and two being the least important. Criteria 1 (Effectiveness) is the most important factor and weighted as a 1. COA 1 was the best and given a 1 and COA 2 was second by a given a grade of 2. Criteria 2 (Added training time) was second highest and rated a 2, while the COA 1 was given a 2 and COA 2 was the best and graded a 1. Criteria 3 (Safety) was third highest and was given a 3. COA 1 was the best and given a grade of 1 and COA 2 was given a grade of 2. Criteria 4 (Training time to execute) was the least important and was given a 4. COA 1 was the best and given a 1 and COA 2 was given a 2. The overall results were COA 1 was the best with a score of 5 and COA 2 was second with a score of

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