Art Research Paper: Edward Hopper

1851 Words8 Pages

Chinwe Uduko
ART 2200
March 2, 2015
Art Research Paper on Edward Hopper

Throughout his career as an artist ever since he took the art world by storm in the 1920s, Edward Hopper was widely known for creating iconic images of rural and urban areas within the northeastern parts of the United States by exploring these different types of areas through medias such as oil paintings, watercolor paintings, and printmaking which also includes many of his etching prints as well. Unlike many aspiring artists who followed different popular art movements such as Fauvism and Cubism, Hopper was inspired by the artworks of Edgar Degas and Edouard Manet to create naturalistic depictions of modern day life in the 20th century. Hopper?s realist paintings often …show more content…

?If this is a human condition which is fundamental and unavoidable, its relationship to the way in which an artist expresses space-distance on the canvas becomes more comprehensible. The forward-going progression of space-distance on the canvas can be compared to, and is, in fact, synonymous with, the forward-going passage of time, which in turn implies the inevitable "future" of man's temporal existence? (Mueller, p. 9). What Mueller meant in this passage is that the future has been accepted as an eternal realm in which time and space cannot be measured and are infinite within his artwork. Mueller also states that ?if the artist depicts measurable space and time, he suggests the temporal realm; if he denies or obfuscates that measurability, by employing, for example, a vertical plane as background, he negates space and time as temporal experiences? (Mueller, p. 9). In today?s contemporary art in which space-distance has been compressed or is lacking completely, measurable space-time is denied, but Hopper did not intend to suggest an eternal, timeless realm, which probably does not exist for him since he wanted his audience to have their own interpretations of his artwork. Rather, the paradox of his temporal condition is suggested. The compression of space-distance in a …show more content…

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