
Arthur Capper Accomplishments

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“It is our duty to see that our future citizens are well born, that they are properly nourished, and are reared in the environment most likely to develop in them their full capacity and powers.” (qtd. in top) This quote explains that we are responsible for the future generations of the world. It is our responsibility to make sure that they are raised in an environment that nourishes their skills and inspires them to be the best that they can be. Arthur Capper was an important and influential figure in history that had a positive impact on the world because of how he has inspired others. Arthur Capper was born on July 14, 1865, in Garnett, Kansas. Even at an early age, Arthur had a unique way of arranging words that touched the hearts of …show more content…

He worked long hours campaigning and convincing people that he was the best candidate for the position. When election day came, he lost the election by twenty-nine votes. For many people, twenty-nine votes would have been a strong enough reason to discontinue involvement in politics. Mr. Arthur Capper was not an ordinary person who gave up on his dream so easily. When the next term for the governor position became available, Arthur became a candidate once again. This time, he was even successful.“Mr. Capper was elected to be the governor of Kansas and was an active member of the U.S. Senate for 30 years.” (travelks)This foundation, Easterseals Capper Foundation, is still around today, providing children with autism and other disabilities with the proper resources needed to be able to work and get an education. Arthur Capper left such a legacy in the state of Kansas and his role inspires many to believe that even if life throws some mishaps, you can still overcome them and be successful. Mr. Capper has inspired many to have perseverance. As the Governor of Kansas Capper enacted a new organization for children with disabilities. This foundation, Easterseals Capper Foundation, is still around today, providing children with autism and other disabilities with the proper resources needed to be able to work and get an education. “Arthur and Florence Capper (Arthur’s wife) never had

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