Article Rebuttal On Gay Marriage

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Article Rebuttal There are many controversial topics that have been discussed to bring out different point-of-views of what people think should be or not to be; things that are right to do or not to do; to say or not to say. I recently read an article about a man name Justin, the executive director of the Gay Christian Network, who believes that God blesses same-sex marriage. Everybody is has a right to their own opinion. I totally disagree with Justin’s opinion on this topic. He tries to justify why he strongly believes that same-sex marriage is right in God’s eyes. Justin really tried to give a good explanation of his opinion. Analyzing this article for reliability, credibility, and validity was from a great source. A great source, …show more content…

In my opinion, his argument was poor. Again, his source of information was credible and reliable; however, the scriptures he used did not support that same-sex marriage is right in God’s eyes. In Justin’s article, he mentioned things such as polygamy and masters buying wives for their male slaves from the book of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Nothing that supports that it is right for two men to marry or two women to marry. Justin wrote, “The point is this: Biblical examples of marriage reflect the culture both in what they include and what they do not. (Lee, n.d.). He tried to use culture as reasoning that same-sex was not part of biblical days. Was that necessary? I do not think so. My thoughts about him using those books of the Bible was try to prove a point about marriage, yet failing to acknowledge that the marriage was between male and female, regardless if it was polygamy or masters buying wives for his male …show more content…

Genesis 2:24, the first mention of marriage, says, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife (Biblegateway, n.d.). It says nothing about man cleaving to another man. As I quoted Justin earlier about how he thinks it is right for same –sex marriage as long as it is confine in a commitment that it is right, yet he avoids another scripture that should allow him to see truth.
It appears to me, he believes homosexual is right as long as it is in a marriage for life with Christ being the head. In other words, Justin do not believe homosexuals should not fornicate and for it to be right in the eyes of God it should be bonded in the unity of marriage. Wrong answer! In 1 Corinthians 7:2 says, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband (Biblegateway, n.d.). This passage of scripture clearly is saying that for a man to have his own wife, and the wife to have her own