Articles Of Confederation Flaws

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The Articles of Confederation were adopted on November 15,1777, and was the first step towards having a song and structured government. When it comes to the Articles of Confederation, you must keep in mind that this was the first form of government EVER for americans, which is why it was so weak. It worked a little bit for a while but getting people to agree with it was difficult. But it was decided upon because despite them being their own country for the first time, they still needed a government system and at that specific time, they needed to take that baby step for the sake of this country, regardless of the lack of strength of the content. You see, when congress got the Articles of Confederation, they had to send it to the states. The …show more content…

They needed a more structured government to help the country run smoothly. Some changes needed to be made for the sake of the colonist and to make sure the people who need to power, have it. First, they needed an executive branch, legislative branch, and a judicial branch that was structured in fine print, meaning that there was a set way for both of these things. These branches are the same ones we have today and that just proves to show that because they took that baby step, they started walked like an adult. Second, the Congress didn't not have power to tax so they had to give them that power or else, the states would have way to much power than they should actually be given. Third, they needed to have a stronger Federal government, like the one we have today, because without it, the states are given too much responsibility and everything runs nicer when there is a big central government deciding things as well. Also, many different forms of currency were allowed in every state. Someone could go into a state with a different form a currency and still be able to enter or cross. That was a major problem and it just made everything confusing for …show more content…

Then northern states wanted slaves in the southern states to be counted so that they the government could raise taxes there. However, the southern staes didn't want them to be counted because obviously, they didn't want to have to pay more taxes and they also didn't want slaves to be counted to the population because they didn't want it to decide on the amount of representatives represent the state because slave were treated as property, not people, at that time. Somehow, oddly, another compromise was made; for every five slaves, was three counted people. This decided on how many representatives a state can have and how much tax was put on the state as well. This compromise was called the “Three Fifths Compromise.” After this, a couple of weeks were made to the branches of government and then, the convention was done with 38 delegate signatures on the Contitution on September 17, 1787. I think it was extremely important to make these compromises because had they not, there would just be more fighting and they had just gotten done with a huge war. I don't they could’ve taken or afforded another war within their own country! That defeats the whole purpose of having a united nation. If you don't have compromise, you don't see things in different aspects and that disables you to explore new ways and ideas with things and